About This Site

This site is intended to be a learning tool about the Brothertown Indians.  Eventually it should have links and/or content for many of our documents, research papers, founding fathers, and etc.  But, more than that, I hope it might become a place for our community (members and friends of the Brothertown) to meet and get to know one another; whether you are near our Tribal lands in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin or are thousands of miles away.  Welcome!

2 thoughts on “About This Site”

  1. Karen Rupp said:

    My mother was a brothertown indian. Would love more info about her people.


    • Hi Karen,

      Please feel free to look around my site. There are a lot of resources on the “Brothertown Digital Historical Library” page. If you know which family she descends from or have any specific questions, I’m happy to share whatever information I may have. You are also welcome to attend our Zoom book club meetings and/or Eeyawquittoowauconnuck Day celebration coming up on November 7th.

      Thanks for reaching out!


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